Friday, July 9, 2010

moonlight wwoofing

so, if you weren't aware, i have a hard time doing "nothing." to fill my off days at the cafe, i decided to respond to a wwoof site hot list posting (there is a website for wwoofers, sorta like craigslist, where wwoof hosts posts requests for wwoofers, wwoofers post requests for hosts, wwoofers sell cars and camping equipment, look for ride shares, etc.). the posting was looking for wwoofers in the coromandel area to help with moving and gardening... sounded good. so i told the host, candice, via email, that i would be interested in helping for a day or two on my days off if she needed someone temperarily. she called and asked if she could pick me up on tuesday morning and said that she had 3 other wwoofers and that the 5 of us would be going to her house in franklin (just south of auckland) and cleaning out her garage and moving the stuff to her house in coromandel, and then there was some yard work to be done if i was interested. she also said she had a chocolate lab who needed some love.

on tuesday morning candice picked me up and i hopped in the truck with kiley, from canada, and ze german "lucky birds," marie and felix. maru, the chocolate lab, was also in the back. we drove down the coast to thames, dropped off a chainsaw for servicing, picked up some snacks, and then headed the 2.5 hours west to franklin. our task in franklin was to pick up a trailer and clean out candice's garage and take the trailer back to coromandel. the garage was scary and full of "crap," but with the 5 of us it didn't take too long to pack up and move out. the house in franklin is being rented by a couple and the husband is an avid hunter... there were deer busts throughout the house and one in particular was adorned with a lovely wig, hence the photo.
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